
Um, ummm, uuummmmm, I do not know what to say here. For six months I read a friends blog who started blogging as a therapeutic outlet for what she could not say in person. She became my muse, and so I started something similar. This blog is (at least for now) completely and totally anonymous. It is like that for a reason, so I and whomever else wants to say something can without concern of judgement, or prejudice. My ramblings are about day-to-day life, events, my kids and the trials and tribulations of raising them being a divorced parent, my pets and foster animals, the past, and whatever else comes to my fingers. Sometimes I ramble, sometimes I may not make sense, I may even upset some people (for that please accept my apology). My goal here for now is to talk about things, and life in a safe environment.


15 comments on “About

    • Yes I am the past year has been a very difficult one and I have not been able to blog. There is light on the horizon, and hopefully within the next couple of months I will be able to return. And there is so much to say after a year of not blogging…

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