life lessons

All posts tagged life lessons

Being berated

Published April 21, 2021 by emotionless brain

I was raised old school, to always show respect to elders (regardless of their behavior). So when the owners mother repeatedly called me into her office to tell me how useless I was, and how she could do my job better that she should just take over my position… Each and every time this occurred I would sit quietly and let her vent. I tried to limit any response to one or two words, or a head movement. There was absolutely nothing I could say that would be received. She would frequently try to bait and switch the conversation trying to trap me into saying what she wanted. Fortunately I have studied people and communications and did not fall victim.

Not only did I not fall for her traps, she also could not solicit any type of emotional response from me. I am the master of stoic, stone cold unreadable face. This added injury to her festering insult.

She actually began trying to look for any mistake to burn me with. She would go around the company trying to convince everyone that I was unqualified, incompetent, inept, and a risk to the business. This too backfired on her, most of the other emoyees saw right thru her tactics.

But as human nature is what it is with enough negativity damage is done.

My anxiety is thru the roof. I began to doubt and second guess everything I said and did. At one point the owner (the son who actually hired me) somehow began believing her negative chaotic spew about me. I thought for sure I was doomed.

To be continued…

What a long strange trip…

Published April 19, 2021 by emotionless brain

It has been another interesting road of travel. For the past year and a half I have been employed by a small business that is family owned and operated. Said family is dysfunctional at best. I want to start to chronicle my current, future, and past journey with this situation.

As with my previous all names and locations are changed to protect privacy.

what a long strange trip it has been

Published January 17, 2017 by emotionless brain

It has been a while since I have blogged. I have had a lot of lessons over the past few years. I look at every experience as a lesson, and try to take away something to grow from the experience.  I have been thru natural disaster, personal loss, parenting disasters, and realize I am not as young as I want to think I am. 

I remember growing up I told myself that I never wanted to be like to older people, I never wanted to forgo the life force I had. I always believed in mind over matter and if I kept a young attitude I would stay young. Well my attitude may still be young but my body not so much. I accept that my body may not keep up as well, but I do not stop trying.

I start my first class in nearly 10 years, I have made a goal. By the time my children graduate high school I would like to also finally have achieved a college degree. I have set the goal, and I will succeed. That is the way I work, I make my mind to do something it will get done. Do I really need the college degree, well I have made it this far and been able to barely support myself. Probably not, I want my children to learn what was inherent to me. You can do whatever you set your mind to do. I also am challenging my own belief system, will that piece of paper make a difference in my income (but my kids do not know about this part).